My project: Gecko

I introduced Agile Software Development to the software development and IT service provider Gecko. Under my project management the architecture for a booking software module of the customer AIDA was created. For the Rostock Stadtwerke (a municipal energy provider) an electronic price calculator was completed.

Introduction of Agile Software Development. Project leader for the architecture of a booking software for the holiday organizer AIDA/CARNIVAL. Creation of an electronic Price Calculator for Stadtwerke Rostock (a municipal energy provider).

For the software service provider Gecko, I introduced Agile Software Development. The teams learned the agile programming techniques of Extreme Programming (XP), Test Driven Developments (TDD) and Continues Integration. I took over the project management for the architecture of a booking software module for AIDA and the project management for an electronic price calculator for Stadtwerke Rostock. For both projects, I led the project negotiations with the customer.